Saddle point conditon of incomplete Lagrange function 非完全Lagrange函数的鞍点条件
Saddle Point Theorem and its Applications in the Method of Lagrange Multiplier 鞍点定理在Lagrange乘数法上的应用
I should say that is for a function of two variables to try to decide whether a given critical point is a minimum, a maximum or a saddle point. 但这种办法并不普遍,只能用于二元函数,来判断是极小值点、极大值点还是鞍点。
The Researches of Iterative Methods and Preconditioning Techniques for Linear Systems and Saddle Point Problems 线性方程组和鞍点问题的迭代法与预处理技术研究
And so, at this saddle point here, if we go north or south, then we go down on either side to the Valley. 在鞍点的地方,如果我们向北或者向南,我们都向下走到了山谷。
The bounded and unbounded traveling wave solutions which correspond to the stable and unstable manifold at the saddle point have been worked out. 计算了与鞍点处的两种稳定和不稳定流形相对应的有界和无界行波解。
Saddle point programming based level-posture evaluation method for aircraft wings 基于鞍点规划理论的机翼水平位姿评估方法
This paper offers a new characterization method for an efficient solution of multiobjective programming satisfying the saddle point criteria. 本文给出多目标规划有效解适应鞍点准则的一个新的判别法,它不使用凸性的几何术语及凸分析中的概念。
Super efficient point in vector optimization problems with set-valued maps characterized by generalized saddle point; 本文研究集值优化问题严有效解的广义鞍点刻画问题。
In this paper, we extend the ST decomposition to the generalized saddle point problem and present three block triangular preconditioners. 本文进一步讨论ST分解,并把这种分解推广到广义鞍点问题上。
An Improved Interval Estimate for the Maximum Eigenvalues of Saddle Point Matrices 一类改进的鞍点矩阵最大特征值的区间估计
And, if you look on the plot, say that you started at the saddle point in the middle and you try to stay at the same level. 如果你从中间的鞍点开始,观察图像,并且试图总是呆在同一海拔。
Modified SOR-like Method for Solution to Saddle Point Problem 求解鞍点问题的修正SOR-like方法
The rate of a process is based upon the energy barrier required to cross the corresponding saddle point, and a harmonic prefactor. 越过马鞍点和前因子所需的能量决定该过程的速度。
In three-dimensions it could even be a saddle point. 在三维空间的时候,这个甚至可以是鞍点。
A stationary point which is neither a local maximum nor a local minimum point is called a saddle point. 一个既不是局部极大点又不是局部极小点的平稳点称为一个鞍点。
Given data ( not graphics), the Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to determine if the stationary point is a maximum, minimum or saddle point. 给定数据(是图形)6西格玛黑带应能确定驻点是最大值、小是还是马鞍点。
Moreover, generic well-posedness of optimization problems and saddle point problems are studied and two theorems are given. 此外,最优化问题和鞍点问题的通有良定性也被研究,给出了两个定理。
We have developed a method for doing this, using the dimer method for saddle point finding combined with the kinetic Monte Carlo to advance the system over barriers. 我们设计了一种寻找马鞍点二聚物法与蒙特卡罗法相结合的方法。
A saddle point and horse shoe vortex were formed in the front of the hole because of the rigid body character of coolant jet near the hole. 射流在出口附近具有刚体的特性,并在射流前方形成了鞍点及马蹄涡。
It is proved that the strong duality is equivalent to the saddle point criterion. 同时讨论了弱对偶性、强对偶性及逆对偶性,证明强对偶性等价于鞍点准则。
In this paper, the convergent result of the saddle point approximation algorithm is revised. 修正了文献〔1〕所提的鞍点逼近算法的收敛性结论。
Fuzzy saddle point programming is presented. 提出了模糊鞍点规划。
The thesis further gives multi-objective saddle point programming with fuzzy parameters and saddle point programming with several fuzzy objectives. 本文进一步提出了带有模糊参数的多目标鞍点规划和带有多个模糊目标的鞍点规划。
The angular configuration Si-CO may be a saddle point for the structure reverse between linear Si-CO and linear Si-OC. 角型Si-CO结构可能是线性稳态结构Si-CO和Si-OC结构互变时的一个中间过滤态即鞍点。
Bilinear saddle point programming and multi-objective saddle point programming are brought forward. 提出了双线性鞍点规划和多目标鞍点规划。
The existence theorems of periodic solution with saddle point characteristics are obtained by using saddle point reduction methods. 利用鞍点约化方法,证明了该系统具鞍点特征的周期解的存在性,得到了一些新的可解性条件。
Weak saddle point theorem and Lagrange duality; 广义弱鞍点定理与Lagrange对偶;
Aim In locally convex spaces, to study the relationships between the super efficient solution and generalized saddle point. 目的研究局部凸空间中集值优化超有效解与鞍点之间的关系问题。
Based on these concepts and their properties, we investigate the vector minimax and saddle point problems. 基于这些概念和性质,研究了字典序下的极大极小问题和鞍点问题,以及二者之间的关系。